Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Like a hard candy with a surprise center.

I'm gonna push on in this bullshit causing, drama infested, ignorant inhabited, violence generated, love rejecting, self-centered world for many more years to come.

They can't throw me out yet.

With friends like mine, the world seems like such a brighter place. Almost a calming, peaceful, caring place where I actually matter.

And that my friend, is what real friendship is.
None of that stabbing in the back bull crap.
We don't roll that way.

~Dedicated to Tyler Ballew, Ayah Hamza, Regina Panelo, Chris Pecci, Brielle Liebman, Amberly Gott, Jacquelyn Escange, Makenzie Escagne, Emily Spoon <3

1 comment:


    i love you with a passion of a thousand burning suns
