Friday, May 20, 2011

Fuck you (An Ode to No One)

No, I'm not going to believe that you "want to hang out with me" so that you can get me to drive you forever away so you can hang out with a lot of people who really aren't your friends, and I don't even give a shit about.
No, hanging out with a lot of people I don't know so you can hang out with a few people you know, and a few people who really don't even know who you are does NOT sound like fun.
No, standing around listening to shitty bands play with the people I mentioned above doesn't sound fun.
And yes, I do realize that I'm your second option and the only friend you have with a car.
And yes, I am quite aware that you aren't going to talk to me tonight because of the fact that I don't want to drive you there.
And NO, that doesn't bother me at all.

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